Monday, October 29, 2012


So I haven't even written a post since I started teaching...shame on me. I will one day :) But I got caught up watching dog rescue videos on Youtube. If you ever need to feel a release watch the rescue of Fiona and Ralph. I just started crying watching those two dogs being rescued. It makes me so sad to see them in such pitiful conditions, and I am also filled with tears of joy when I see the kindness and patience of the people rescuing them.

Something tugs at my heart when I see those dogs; I am reminded how frail and lonely our lives are on Earth. I'm reminded of our helplessness as babes or as elderly folks, unable to care for ourselves, just as the dogs are. And then our wonderful saviour comes and rescues us, just like those kind people who rescued the dogs. There is a moment in the video when Ralph, who had been abused and abandoned finally, finally allows the man to touch his head. And his eyes slowly close, maybe in relief that he wasn't hurt, or tiredness from putting up such a fight for so long.

Our heavenly father offers us that rest. Sometimes I think I have a hard time trusting God. Trusting that He will take care of me, and lead me to peaceful streams. But God knows the utter peace we can experience if we put ourselves in His hands.