Saturday, July 7, 2012


I was working on the About Me section of the blog. It's a little tricky because I want to post pictures be honest in everything that I write, but I've seen all the trouble teachers can get into by not being careful. Did you know they teach us in class how to protect ourselves on facebook? They give us a list of things to get rid of, not to accept friend requests from students, etc. I disagree with the facebook recommendations because the priority is now to cover MY ass instead of looking out for the students' well being.

How private do I have to be to protect myself well? Not that I'm planning on creating trouble, but no one ever does. At the end of the day, no one is looking out for my well being but me. It sucks but it's true. And I can only hope that someone is looking out for the kids too.

I've also realized there is wonderful freedom in writing a blog anonymously. A certain honesty that can come forth when no one knows who you are. I can be more free with my words and thoughts.

In the words of Scotty from Star Trek: "You know, it's exciting!"


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