Monday, July 23, 2012

Purpose and Stories

Writing a blog is hard. It has to be interesting. It must be well written. It must uphold the high grammar standards that have recently developed (thank goodness) among internet users. Over the last few days, I have been stumped about what to write. I could write a devotional, I could tell a story that happened and try to make it funny. I could just write about my day, but I don't feel like anyone wants to read about that. I don't want to be a needy person who only feels connected through sharing experiences that are really quite boring.

Let's instead talk about really awesome fictional ideas that I wish I thought of. I just got John Mayer's new album Born and Raised. Walt Grace's Submarine Test, January 1967 is INCREDIBLE. The movie The Incredibles is incredible. Also, Lord of the Rings, Inception, Harry Potter, and C.S. Lewis' Sci-Fi Trilogy. Seriously, if you haven't checked out Perelandra, you should do that immediately. It is amazing. There are so many more good ideas out there so I'll stop now. 

This past birthday was my champagne birthday, twenty-two on the 22nd. I had been dreaming of this birthday for the past eleven birthdays. I usually get morose and depressed on my birthdays because I'm a whole year older, and yet haven't accomplished anything since the last birthday. But the champagne birthday was accompanied by something a little more fierce. This is the year of awesomeness. I'm twenty-two; in the prime of youth, graduated, finished school etc. etc. I felt more desperation to actually DO something. My special birthday year is already half over, I'm on the downwards slop of twenty-two. And what I want more than ever is to write stories. Powerful stories that affect people, that make them feel and think and be inspired to write stories of their own.

Who doesn't, right? Everyone wants to write, and have it magically become a bestseller. Just today I was talking to one of my co-workers. She has a blog as well and is working on a novel. It's crazy because I have very little respect for her and yet can't help but admire her for doing what I do not have the guts to do: sit down and write dammit!

There is a TEDtalk by Matt Cutts called Try Something New for 30 Days. He talks about how in 30 days he wrote a novel, simply by sitting down and forcing himself to write (and not going to sleep until he had written his budgeted words for the day).

I need to apply this principle to the blog, to my dream of writing, and to my life in general. I'm going to start today. I think. Unless Frasier reruns come on and then my dreams are toast.


P.s. - If I did make grammar mistakes in this post, please let me know, just be kind :)

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