Saturday, July 7, 2012

Catch Up

Okay. Already so many things have happened.

First: I graduated. Yay me! Five years of a degree I wasn't sure I wanted in the first place. I think I spent half my time trying to get out of it, and telling everyone that I AM going to do something different with my life. And now I am pursuing a career that fits my degree, and hopefully only committed to this for three years.

I enjoyed university and loved learning but I always have this fear at the back of my mind that I'm missing out. I never took that gap year, and am scared that it may never happen. There are so many things in life that happen outside of education, and university and I haven't yet experienced them. What if I get stuck in this new job for life?? Gah. 

Which lead me to my new job: Music Educator. That's right, my future is filled with glee clubs and beginner band camps and spitty floors (from the spit valves on brass instruments in case you weren't in band back in the day). Since January I have been fretting about what to do with my future. Volunteer overseas? More school? Teach (ugh)? At that time I knew, beyond a doubt, that teaching was not for me. But as summer drew closer and my finances grew thinner, I started sending out those dreadful applications. I took an interview for a tiny Icelandic village outside of the city.

A village. I don't know exactly what constitutes a village, but the sign stares me in the face every time I drive past. I just know its small. Four streets by four streets. I think people hunt for their food; I haven't seen a grocery store.

 More about the village later.

Skipping the interview, got the job, took it, I think as a result of being scared and afraid of the unknown and letting my parents down, and also a the tiniest bit eager to be awesome at it. See, it was a job that three of my fellow graduates were offered, and they all turned it down, because it's a big responsibility. The job is a little hazy. I'm basically developing a music program (hence the big responsibility) and teaching some other stuff on the side. 

Third: Apartment! Yay! My first one! This has been a new and very exciting experience for me. I have been blessed to have generous parents who paid for my schooling, my room and board at uni, everything. But I'm twenty-two and finally independent (sort of... or will be soon). And so excited!

Back to the village. I've always wanted to live in a rural area, and it's quite charming, I hope I don't turn into that guy from the Shining. Although I don't have a wife to try to kill so I think I'm good. But maybe I should stop blogging... he was a writer wasn't he???

I already have possession of it, and am moving soon. Posts to follow with pictures!

Fourth: Car! Also new for me. It doesn't have hub caps yet. But it is still perfect.

2007 Nissan Sentra  

Adding up a degree, a job, an apartment and a car in the span of a month. Sometimes I feel like Peter Pan "I won't grow up! I don't want to go to school. Just to learn to be a parrot. And recite some silly rule."

Peter Pan must hate me. Well sorry Pete; if I had someone like Wendy to clean up after me and could fly, I would stay in Neverneverland too. But as I've learned, growing up can have it's perks :)


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